Thursday, May 31, 2007

Java Security Issues

Fortify, which markets source-code analysis technology, has access to a large database of common Java programming errors and vulnerabilities, has used FindBugs, a static analysis tool that looks for bugs in Java code, to look over code in open-source projects such as Apache, Azureus and Tomcat.

What Fortify has found is that the defect density of open-source code is quite large. For example, Net Trust (a Google project to create a security mechanism for simple single sign-on and authentication), had an estimated 12.215 errors per 1,000 lines of code.

And here is another example; an XSS vulnerability, from these lines of Sun's instructions:



firstname = request.getParameter("firstname");


catch (Exception e)




userName = firstname;
pw.print(" Thanks for your feedback, " + userName + "!");

The code expects that a user has entered a name like this: "Bob". An attacker could set it up so that the data looks like this:


(I have replaced ">" & "<" with "}" and "{" to render the script.) Then the victim's browser would execute a function named sendDataToMotherShip().

A secure version of the server-side code, would check input to make sure that it only contains an expected set of characters and no executable scripts.

The report may be found @

There are 2 short recent articles on eWeek on this subject as well:,1895,2128071,00.asp


Check them out!

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