Sunday, November 29, 2009

Data Locality Refactoring

Suggestions for locality optimizations (SLO), a cache profiling tool, analyzes runtime reuse paths to find the root causes of poor data locality, and suggests the most promising code optimizations. Refactoring using the hints of the SLO analyzer doubles the average execution speed of several SPEC2000 benchmark programs.

Learn more about it @


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Scarp Art

Sculptures made out of scrap car parts by Australian artist James Corbett

Monday, November 16, 2009

Famous People Painting

Click on each person to be directed to the corresponding Wikipedia article.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


One can achieve impressive boot-time & performance gains by replacing the BIOS (input/output system) with customized early initialization of the peripherals.

This is relevant to open X86 platforms, such as the Intel Atom processor, that are used in medical, mobile, and automotive applications.

There is an Intel White Paper on how to do this: "Fastboot BIOS - An Investigation of BIOS Speed Enhancement Featuring the Intel Atom Processor (September 2008)" @

Thursday, November 5, 2009

MapleXP (Free) Software

MapleXp is a free (shareware) application that enables one to track multiple projects and categorize and how much time went into each of the tasks involved.

Each project can be divided into a hierarchical structure of tasks, which allows for very precise tracking of working time.

Find it @