Sunday, October 23, 2016

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Small Step Towards Mind Control

I wonder how far we are from remote mind control; if signals can be recorded, they could be played back...

Wireless recording of neural activity with ultrasound Implanted devices that record neural activity in model organisms such as rats ideally should be as small as possible, remotely powered and able to transduce information wirelessly.

Seo et al. aim for all of these features by using neural dust to record from peripheral neurons in the mouse. Neural dust is a tiny recording system that consists mainly of electrodes and a piezoelectric crystal. The crystal reflects ultrasonic energy (sent from an external transducer) after neural activity picked up with the electrodes modulates the ultrasonic signal. Electrical activity can thus be inferred from the difference in emitted and received ultrasound signal. The researchers applied their technology in vivo to obtain electroneurographic and electromyographic recordings from rat sciatic nerve and skeletal muscles, respectively.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

None of it is real -- The Matrix Revealed

From The Guardian of the UK:-

"I always knew," says Mrs Dorothy Jones, of Swansea.

I have always suspected it: this world we live in is merely a computerized mirror image of some other, secret, parallel world out there, which is controlled by aliens. We live in The Matrix.

And this psot is not real. It's all a bad dream.

And they are watching you.

[On the other hand, if this is all an illusion, who is having this headache?]

Is our world a simulation? Why some scientists say it's more likely than not.

 A swath of technologists and physicists believe that ‘simulation theory’ will be proved, just as it was proved that the Earth was not the center of the universe...

WiFi kettle lets Englishman down

From Grauniad of the UK: An IT engineer's idea of fun and efficiency...

Serves him right.
English man spends 11 hours trying to make cup of tea with Wi-Fi kettle
Data specialist Mark Rittman spent an entire day attempting to set up his new appliance so that it would boil on command

Friday, October 7, 2016

Our Robotic Fure - Now

In the news


"Can I take a selfie with the robot at the end? It's for my Facebook page!"


The problem I can see is that there are already so many options when you order your coffee (latte, cappuccino, single espresso, double espresso, etc.) that it is going to become difficult to manage (with or without a BJ, slow or fast service, etc.).




An entrepreneur who hopes to open London’s first ‘fellatio cafe’ has revealed his staff will be made up entirely of sex robots.