Monday, September 24, 2018


A high-technology brush to die for. How did we manage before the launch of the Lumi brush?
The next generation will be internet-enabled and will send a full report to your smartphone and tablet computer every time it is put to good use, analyzing all the relevant data and forwarding it to your GP. This way, you will also be able to keep an eye on the bowel movements of your wife, and/or children, and/or nanny.
Lumi: Self-sanitizing toilet brush blasts cleansing UV ...
A lot of thought has gone into making Lumi the ultimate toilet brush. Its battery-powered base UV-sanitizes the brush after use, and evaporates off any drip water. It's weighted, so it's hard to ...

Monday, September 17, 2018

Real Science-fiction


Science fiction is here and now, and for real.

"I am the biggest drone you can get, and I can recharge in mid-air too," tweeted POTUS, pleased with himself. "A double-cheeseburger with a large portion of fries and a Coke on Air Force One is enough to keep Donald Trump going for a couple of hours. I am Drone #1, the best, the biggest, the most biggest-largest drone you have ever seen!"


In-flight charging gives drones unlimited autonomous range

Russian company GET (Global Energy Transmission) has pioneered a mid-air inductive recharging system that can charge up several drones at once without requiring them to land. Build enough of these stations, and you can have an army of drones in the air that never need to land.

Friday, September 14, 2018


Next-gen deepfakes can falsely put words in people's mouths:

Deepfake. It's a word that's entered the modern lexicon for all the wrong reasons. The technique can superimpose the likeness of one person onto a video of someone else. Now, new research could take deepfakes to the next level, taking the detailed content of one video and applying it to another.

Riderless BMW R1200GS

GIZMAG -- Machines, good! People, bad! 

A bit spooky if it zooms past you on the motorway. Watch the short video-clip with the proud German engineer explaining how it all works.

I have 2 questions: (1) Is it made of recycled plastic? (An obsession of mine.) (2) If there is no one to ride the motorbike, why do you need a handlebar? For the Invisible Man?

Riderless BMW R1200GS eerily makes its way around a test track

Yamaha's Motobot is not alone, it seems. Behind closed doors, BMW has also been working on autonomous motorcycle technology for the last couple of years. And ...

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

UK voice-recognition tech is anti-trans

BBC -- Trans bulleting latest [expect more] 

The problem with male-to-female 'transition' is that many things can be altered surgically and chemically but, from what I have read (and heard) the voice is one thing that barely shifts. 

So, you get that really good-looking 6-foot tall girl called Paula who sounds like Paul the construction worker that she was in a previous life...

The bank is now waiting for the lawsuit to land on its desk. 

It really is great for surgeons, doctors, psychologists, therapists, and lawyers: a new frontier fit for the 21st century! 


"But you sound like a man!"

"No, I don't!"

"But you do!"

"No, I don't! I am a woman!"

"Yes, you are."


"But a woman who sounds like a hairy ape of a man..."
