Wednesday, April 29, 2020

COVID-19: The End?

Study predicts end of corona-virus worldwide using artificial intelligence 

Details may be found here:

COVID-19: News Updates


A lot is written about COVID 19 but these 3 stories seem particularly relevant and interesting. 

The 1st one is good news: Oxford University claims to have found a vaccine that works, which could be ready in September 2020. It has been tested on monkeys already, and successfully so. 

The 2nd one is about the issue of immunity, which is on everyone's mind: the article explains why this question is complex.

The 3rd one is about New Zealand, a fellow Commonwealth country and an English-speaking island nation, just like Britain: New Zealand currently has 1,124 confirmed cases and 19 deaths out of a population of around five million people. Its new cases have stayed in the single digits for several days, leading the government to say that the virus was effectively eliminated.

The population of the UK is about 65 million people: if you multiply the NZ figures by 10 (5m X 10 = 50 m), you would have 190 dead. Right now, in Britain, it is >20,000. Including deaths in care homes and other unrecorded deaths, it is probably closer to 28,000, perhaps as high as 35,000. 

The article explains what NZ did right, which shows what the UK did wrong. All the rest is waffle and obfuscation. It is all very well having a minute's silence for all the medical staff who have died; the point is, they should never have died in the first place. 


Could there be millions of doses of a Covid-19 vaccine available by September?

It seems significantly earlier than we had been cautioned to expect, but the Oxford University's Jenner Insititute believes it has produced an effective vaccine, and plans to carry out clinical tests on 6,000 people before the end of May.

The Jenner vaccine was tested on six rhesus macaque monkeys at the US National Institutes of Health’s Rocky Mountain Laboratory in Montana last month, according to the New York Times.

The monkeys were exposed to high doses of the virus, and all six remained healthy 28 days later. Monkeys without the vaccine fell sick, according to the report.

The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which is funding nine different coronavirus vaccine projects, is hopeful a vaccine could be ready this year, Bloomberg reports.

CEPI had initially envisaged a later timescale because it had not taken factors into account such as companies working together.


Coffee and fast food seemed to be the first thing on the mind of New Zealanders as the country emerged from almost five weeks of strict lockdown. The alert level has shifted to level three ...

Friday, April 17, 2020

COVID19: Life Imitates Art

Art work created by Tara Behbahani for an exhibition in China 8 years ago:

نقاشي كرونا بهبهاني

COVID-19: Seasonal Effects

From the University of Michigan School of Public Health:
Of the seven coronaviruses known to infect people, four cause common respiratory infections that are sharply seasonal and appear to transmit similarly to influenza
Details below:
Coronavirus occurrence and transmission over 8 years in the HIVE cohort of households in Michigan

Saturday, April 11, 2020

صد روز

 برفت قاسم و بر پاست شوکت سلیمانی
به پاست غرش رعد و نگاه بارانی

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

A Magic Toilet

From Grauniad of the UK
"When Russia can afford it, I want every Russian to use his, or her, magic toilet, and the data to be sent right back to the FSB," explained an enthusiastic Vladimir Putin. "We need to monitor the health of the nation. And it's always good to know who is using a toilet when: it's all about monitoring movements -- bowel movements and other movements, including political movements, which are society's bowel movements, if you ask me." 

Monday, April 6, 2020

COVID-19: Simulation

Modelling transmission and control of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia:

Sunday, April 5, 2020

COVID-19: Strange Properties of this Virus

Referring to the article below -

One cannot help but notice the following strange collection of features: 

The unique furine cleavage site (known from other, completely different highly contagious flu viruses), 
the CD147 docking site (known only from the dangerous Coxsakie virus and expressed strongly by cancer cells), 
the GRP78 docking site (expressed by cells under stress) 
the attack on hemoglobine, 

multiple distinctive pathways to attack cells and cause damage. 

None are found in any other corona virus genome...

COVID-19: Update on Chloroquine-based Treatment

In the science journals:
My conclusion, as a layperson, would be that the Chloroquine-based treatment has good potential and can constitute a [partial] cure, but it can also offer prophylaxis. 
Even though more trials need to be conducted and it doesn't work every time, the alternative is bleak for the more serious cases... It may be the best the doctors have for now, while they are trying to develop a better form of treatment. A vaccine is still, from what we read, 12 to 18 months away at best. 
Logically, the manufacturing of such drugs as used in these trials ought to be ramped up in the UK and other European countries, and the drugs used systematically for now, for want of an alternative. How long will that take? Britain and other European countries are not even able to get hold of enough protective equipment for their medical staff as things stand... 

Friday, April 3, 2020

COVID-19: Some Thoughts

Seen and heard on BBC -- Corona Latest 

Getting better by the day, folks! 

Heard on BBC Radio 4 last night: doctors in England are angry that there is no treatment at all for COVID-19 patients in British hospitals. None. Or, rather, there is: Paracetamol. That's all they are allowed to give patients. Many have died of course. The doctors wanted to try anything they had such as the Chloroquine option. But the British authorities have said till now that doctors cannot use their own discretion and we need UK-based results of fully, properly randomized trials. Which is impossible at this stage. So, patients are dying rather than the doctors trying anything -- something. 

I am not sure I understand, personally, that slightly pedantic attitude. You give them something if you know they are going to die. If they die, they die. If they don't, it's a bonus, and it frees up a bed all the same. But no: it would go against the rules. [Better not bring them in: see below.] 

Apparently, the British government is considering loosening up its guidance and letting doctors use a bit more leeway at local/ clinical level. When the death toll (daily) rises above 1,000, maybe? 


In another development, care homes have understood that their residents are unlikely to be admitted to hospital if they fall ill with the corona-virus. So, many are putting extreme pressure on elderly and frail residents to sign 'do not resuscitate' forms. What it means is that the oldie agrees he (or she) is not worth saving. By signing the form, he (or she) makes it easier for the care home and the medical services to decide to let him (or her) die, because they were going to do that anyway. It is a consent form that says: 'My life is worthless and I accept it is.' 

Never mind the fact some of those oldies may be in good shape, still. What this tells us is: We're not going to try to save you. Can't be bothered. You're a waste of space. Sorry! But do remember: we care.

Presumably, Prince Charles (age, 71), doesn't live in an ordinary care home in Sussex: he got the corona-virus and is alive and well. Uncanny.


Meanwhile, over in France, two medical professors recommend trying new vaccines in sub-Saharan Africa, because Africans have nothing to lose anyway. To illustrate the point, they draw a parallel with antiviral trials on prostitutes. Charming: one can only grade highly this subtle, considerate, humane, yet no-nonsense approach to reality that sometimes dominates in France, more particularly when dealing with those who are weak and helpless, and/or not French, and/or not White.


As we can see, the corona-virus is fast bringing out the worst alongside the best in human nature that you can expect. So far we have learnt today, therefore, that: (a) The life of a human being is intrinsically and ultimately less important than medical methodology; (b) The life of old people is worthless ('old' is anyone over 60 or 65, and certainly anyone over 70 ought to be dead already...); (c) The life of black people is worthless (hence we should try drugs and active agents of all kinds on them and see what happens, and they'll be grateful for it). 

"Bring it on", so the elite seems to say.

I think the COVID-19 pandemic has destroyed the Neo-Liberal ideology and the order based on it – as its most egregious offenses are so un-apologetically discussed by BBC above.

I also think the European Union – as a political and social project – is finished – although the Common Market could presumably continue to exist.

I do not see how Euro currency could survive – Spain and Italy have to print money and give it to the unemployed for them to physically survive, would ECB go along with that?

I think not.

In earlier years, Brussels had imposed real political and economic costs on Italy (as well as Greece ) – sanctioning Russia and Iran.

Those were US-UK pet projects - "contain Russia, destroy Iran".

But it was Russia (and China and Cuba) that came to Italy’s aid and not US, or UK, or France, or Germany.  

EU has been badly wounded: nothing worse than an international umbrella organisation that is costly and, when you need them, they are nowhere to be seen: being irrelevant is dangerous. I think COVID-19 will be more damaging to the EU in the long run than Brexit, or even the 2008 financial crisis. Italians and Spaniards in particular are going to come out of it feeling they were let down by Germany and the French -- and they always are. It is actually true. The EU was designed by (and for) and has been run by (and for) the French, with some German input: that is the reality. 

Ultimately, it was the local sovereign powers that counted; in Italy or in Iran or in China and not transnational entities such as UN, NATO, etc.  And certainly not US.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

COVID-19: More on a Potential Treatment

In the news -- To set the record straight (for those who are interested) 
This a serious, in-depth analysis of the claims made by the French Professor, Dr. Raoult, in Marseille (Southern France). 
It is clear he does not follow protocols properly and he is a dubious character, if not worse. So, the jury is out. If he is any good, why is he not listened to? If he is as bad as he seems to be, how come he is still in post? There is a failing of the French system of supervision, here, to say the least. This might be the real scandal within the crisis! 
Apparently, larger-scale trials of this treatment or similar ones are taking place, or about to take place, also in the USA, so, more evidence should emerge.
The comments (some of them at any rate) are quite interesting, because, to a layperson such as myself, they give an insight into the complexity of assessing the efficacy of new drugs (or re-purposed 'old' drugs).