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Saturday, April 7, 2007

Semantic Brokers

Semantic brokers aid the process of building & maintaining the enterprise message model, in particular, the process of adapting each of the application systems to the model.

A semantic broker contains a semantic model that is a core representation of the shared concepts of the enterprise.

And integrator will use a semantic broker tool set to define mappings from various application systems to the enterprise semantic model.

Examples of such products are:

  • Contivo - which is a design time semantic broker which translates the semantic map built by the integrator into a run-time component - based on the middle-ware and architecture in place.
  • Ontoprise - this is primarily an ontology editor for the B2B market place which has a semantic broker capability as well.

There used to be another product from Unicorn which was bought by IBM in 2006 and was disappeared.

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I had been a senior software developer working for HP and GM. I am interested in intelligent and scientific computing. I am passionate about computers as enablers for human imagination. The contents of this site are not in any way, shape, or form endorsed, approved, or otherwise authorized by HP, its subsidiaries, or its officers and shareholders.

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