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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Free Software - Alice

Alice is a free, easy-to-use, interactive 3D graphics software tool for the WWW. Find it @ http://www.alice.org/

I would like to mention here that Randy Pausch, a Carnegie Mellon University computer-science professor who has been deeply involved in the development of Alice has been diagnosed with incurable pancreatic cancer.

In his last lecture on Tuesday 09/18/2007 to 400 students and colleagues, Professor Pauch stated:,

"Like Moses, I get to see the Promised Land, but I don't get to step foot in it. That's OK. I will live on in Alice."

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I had been a senior software developer working for HP and GM. I am interested in intelligent and scientific computing. I am passionate about computers as enablers for human imagination. The contents of this site are not in any way, shape, or form endorsed, approved, or otherwise authorized by HP, its subsidiaries, or its officers and shareholders.

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