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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Genome Projector

Kazaharu Arakawa of Keio University in Japan has launched a colorful and intuitive bio-informatics tool. Drawing inspiration from iTunes and Google Maps, using AJAX and EXT 2.0 technologies, the database browser, called Genome Projector (www.g-language.org/GenomeProjector/), was developed at Keio’s Institute for Advanced Biosciences over the past year.

It contains four “maps:” Genome Map, Plasmid Map, DNA Walk, and Pathway Map. Each map indicates genes in various colors, such as rRNA in red stripes and tRNA in green stripes in the Genome Map.

The Genome Projector is available @ http://www.g-language.org/g3/.

Note the usage of the Google MAP API to deliver data visualization services; something that many other organizations and businesses could do for BI and Data Mining information.

"Genetics has become a branch of information technology. It is prime information; it is digital information. Itis precisely the kind of information that can be translated digit for digit, byte for byte into any other kind of information.” – Richard Dawkins at DLD 08, January 2008, in Munich, Germany

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