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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Physical One-Way Functions

In practical cryptography, a PUF or Physical Un-clonable Function is a function that is embodied in a physical structure, that is easy to evaluate but hard to characterize (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physically_Unclonable_Function)

Check out Raviknath Pappu's thesis on the construction and application of physical one-way functions for secure communications @ http://pubs.media.mit.edu/pubs/papers/01.03.pappuphd.powf.pdf

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I had been a senior software developer working for HP and GM. I am interested in intelligent and scientific computing. I am passionate about computers as enablers for human imagination. The contents of this site are not in any way, shape, or form endorsed, approved, or otherwise authorized by HP, its subsidiaries, or its officers and shareholders.

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