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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Resoures for Software Quality Assurance

Software Quality Profile www.sei.cmu.edu/publications/articles/quality-profile/index.html This article describes a way to use process measurements to assess product quality.

The Software Quality Page www.swquality.com/users/pustaver/index.shtml It contains links to areas including software quality and testing, software inspections and reviews, quality and process metrics, software quality assurance, and other standards, as well as provides helpful links to other software and quality organizations.

American Society for Quality www.asq.org/pub/sqp/ This site offers articles and discussion on basic concepts, quality tools, organization-wide approaches, people creating quality, using data, specific applications, and other software quality-related issues.

Software Q&A and Testing Resource Center www.softwareqatest.com This Web site breaks categories of questions and answers when it comes to software quality and assurance testing down into categories that include frequently asked questions, not-so-frequently asked questions, testing resources, test tools, site management tools, jobs, news, and more.

Why Software Quality Matters www.channelinsider.com/c/a/Solution-Builder/We-Did-Nothing-Wrong-Why-Software-Quality-Matters/ This intriguing article proposes innovative solutions to today’s emerging software quality issues.

Society for Software Quality www.ssq.org The Society for Software Quality (SSQ) is a membership organization for those interested in promoting quality as a universal goal for software. The SSQ promotes increased knowledge and interest in the technology associated with the development and maintenance of quality software.

Better Software Magazine www.stickyminds.com/bettersoftware/magazine.asp Better Software is the magazine for software professionals who care about quality. Better Software delivers in-depth articles on testing, tools, defect tracking, metrics, and management, and is the only commercial magazine exclusively dedicated to software professionals.

Software Test and Performance Magazine www.stpmag.com Software Test & Performance is written for software and application development managers, project managers, team leaders, and test and quality assurance managers. Articles in the magazine provide useful information to help those in the field understand trends and emerging technologies, come to grip with new and timeless challenges, adopt new best practices concepts, and ultimately make better decisions to improve software quality.

Handbook of Software Quality Assurance www.amazon.com/handbook-software-quality-assurance-3rd/dp/0130104701 This handbook capitalizes on the talents and skills of the experts who deal with the implementation of software quality assurance on a Measuring Defect Potentials and Defect Removal Efficiency

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