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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nano-tube Radio

A research group at the University of California, Berkeley, lead by Alex Zettl, has used a single carbon nano-tube that functions as a radio. The paper discussing the technology may be found @ http://www.physics.berkeley.edu/research/zettl/projects/nanoradio/2007_Nanoletters_Nanotube_radio.pdf

Supplementary materials for the nano-tube radio may be found @ http://www.physics.berkeley.edu/research/zettl/projects/nanoradio/radio.html

Check out the videos of the actual vibrating nano-tube on that page.

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I had been a senior software developer working for HP and GM. I am interested in intelligent and scientific computing. I am passionate about computers as enablers for human imagination. The contents of this site are not in any way, shape, or form endorsed, approved, or otherwise authorized by HP, its subsidiaries, or its officers and shareholders.

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