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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

GIZMAG - Selfie Drone

"I loved the idea because, as I jumped off the 46th floor of the Unity building, in the middle of Shangri-La, the drone was able to follow me in my descent and take a string of selfies until I hit the ground, and then..." commented Mr. Xilmin of Shangri-La, now deceased, in his last Tweet.

Selfie Quadcopter Conquers. The Idea Is Genius

That’s what we all want to know, right? I guessed it would be like $300 to $400, but I was wrong. They sell it for $99, which is tremendously cheap for a drone of this quality!

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I had been a senior software developer working for HP and GM. I am interested in intelligent and scientific computing. I am passionate about computers as enablers for human imagination. The contents of this site are not in any way, shape, or form endorsed, approved, or otherwise authorized by HP, its subsidiaries, or its officers and shareholders.

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