Some concrete data on COVID-19 Deaths
The Iranian Health Ministry has stated that 68% of the dead from COVID-19 were older than 60 years of age, with average age of 64 at death- average infection age, 59.
60% were men, 40% women.
18% of the known COVID-19 cases have been asymptomatic.
"O" blood types seem to fair better.
Koreans have stated that 19% of the dead were younger than 60.
I have not seen any breakdown of the mortality rate based on pre-existing conditions and/or history of smoking.
Additionally, Michigan statistics -,9753,7-406-98163-520743--,00.html
- indicated that 57 % of the infected are in the 40 to 70 - age group.
In Italy, 90% of dead suffered co-morbidities - many were older than 70 years of age.
A more discriminating approach would be to send people older than certain age - say 58 - to work from home or to be on extended paid leave and in home quarantine while economic activity could be continued by others.
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