We face many problems and issues for which we would like to have answers or even partial answers.
We also available to us the works of all Thinkers and Philosophers of Europe and Western Asia written over the last 2500 years.
I think it will bea good idea to develop (train) Large Language Models for Plato, Aristotle, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rusd, Saint Thomas of Aqinas, and others. In this manner, we could pose questions to them, in a metaphoric way, and get their answers. Needless to say, such LLMs need to include our contemporary context as well, the Revolutionary changes that Empirical Sciences have caused in our understandings of the world as well as archaeological and historical knowledge that has been gained over the last 200 years.
Furthermore, such an approach may be extended to the very large corpus of religious commentaries and expositions of extant religions; in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hindu Spiritual Doctrines, and Buddhism.
Ideally, one could pose moral, metaphysical, epistemological, ontological questions to these LLMs and see what they come up with. They are meant as hypothesis generators and discussion starters and not a substitute for Thinkers and Philosophers.
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